Monday, November 22, 2010

I've Let Myself Go

My freshman year in college I lost 10 pounds.  I broke the freshman 15 stereotype.  Mainly because I wanted to have breast reduction surgery and my mother told me I had to lose weight before I could go through with it. not worry because I made up for it my sophomore year by gaining back those 10 pounds plus packing on 5+ more.  My debutante portrait from August and my pictures from the actual ball in December are completely different.  The ones in December looks as if I ate my former self in August.  Well anyway, I am back to my sophomore in college weight.

There is no excuse for my plumpness.  I am 25 years old, and I have a high metabolism and gravity on my side.  Also, I have nothing but time these days.  Not to mention free access to two really nice university fitness cetners, a small gym in my apartment complex, and every fitness dvd known to man in my living room.  Yet I spent my weekend consuming an entire pizza plus breadsticks.  Granted the pizza did last from Friday to Sunday, but still I had no help in eating the entire thing. 

I am so mad at myself that I am letting myself get fat again.  I have very few youthful days left, and I should be making the most of them.  I should be eating healthier and working out more and really taking care of my body.  I also feel really guilty when I know that my dad woke up at 5 am to run 5 miles and my mother hit the gym at 6:30 to lift weights and run on the treadmill.  But I still don't have the motivation to get my act in shape.  I am constantly saying to myself why start now...exams are starting, its the holidays, I am busy on the weekends so I just end up ruining it.  I am full of excuses of why I have started treating my body better.  Any ideas on how I can get my act together?

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