Sunday, January 16, 2011

Resolutions By the Way Side

I say by the way side because I feel like that is a saying, but if it is not, my bad.  I simply mean that I have discarded mine.  It is 16 days into the new year and my resolution is gone already.  Good or bad?  My resolution was to make better use of my time.  As you have read before, I don't have a lot of obligations on my time these days.  I attend class only 11 hours out of the week.  I don't have a job or kids to take care of (other than my oh so needy Westie), so it seems like I should be taking advantage of all this time and do amazing things.  Well to implement this resolution, I decided that I was going to stop taking naps, read my book alot more, exercise at least once everyday, and only watch two hours of television everyday. 

Well I changed my mind.  I don't know if it was because I wasn't following my resolution very well, or to the fact that maybe I have been thinking about this extra time all wrong.  Rather than forcing myself to do things that other people think I should be doing, I think maybe I should take advantage of this time to be able to do things that I actually want to do.  If I am tired, I have the ability to go lay on my bad and take a wonderful long nap (assuming Tillie is willing to let me do so).  If there is a good movie on the tv in the afternoon, I should be able to watch it.  If I don't feel like exercising everyday, I shouldn't have to.  Now don't get me wrong.  I don't actually plan on spending everyday napping and watching tv, but on certain days, maybe that is all I want to do.  And, after this first week back at school, I have already started to plan a few new experiences for myself.  I have signed up for a ballroom dancing class.  Ten of us from my program will be learning to waltz, fox trot, cha cha, rumba, tango, and swing dance.  I am super excited about this because I am head over heels obsessed with dancing with the stars and am still trying to come up with a way I can be famous so that I can be on that show.  I also have decided to join the coed softball team with the stipulation that my team members are not allowed to yell at me.  I played softball in the summers on the law firm leagues, but our team was pitching to us, and honestly, they were more about socializing than actually playing the game.  But, my pink glove and I will be out on the field giving it our best effort. 

So I guess, if I am going to say that I have a resolution, I plan to do what I want to do while I still can.

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