Friday, August 27, 2010

First Night Out

I experienced my first night out in Gainesville last night.  A group of the tax nerds went to an irish pub and then to a bar with a southern rock band performing.  I do love to fist pump.  The night was fun and I think I now have some new friends.  Apparently in tax school, not a lot of girls like to go out.  I was one of two in a big group of guys.  Of course, this girl is not complaining.  I ended the night calling a guy to come to my apartment.  Unfortunately this guy is the one that works at pop a lock.  After the cab dropped me and a neighbor back to our apt complex, I discovered that I did not have my keys in clutch.  In the rain, I began sprinting across the apt complex and then followed by sprinting across a major street in gainesville to flag the cab down.  I finally got him and he took me back to the last bar.  Ofcourse I couldn't find them in the last bar.  So while I was getting cash to pay for my second cab ride I called a locksmith.  It took the guy 45 minutes to get there so I just sat outside on the ground texting people.  Of course nobody answered at 1:00 in the morning on a Thursday.  I am the only one that still needs to pretend like she is in college.  Anyway...long story short, the keys were in a friends car that were left there even before I started drinking.  So I can't blame it on the alcohol. 

The aftermath of the night out in gainesville the next day was that I sat through one class terrified that I will get called on because I slept in and didn't do the problems.  I sat through a 2 hour tax lecture holding my eyes open so that I didn't fall asleep.  I spent the next three hours sleeping off a headache.  I think I will be a loser and spend a friday night watching movies and stuffing my face with pizza.

1 comment:

  1. Marsh- You really did pull a me!! Sorry for my blondeness rubbing off..although it was bound to happen eventually:)
