Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Skinny Fat

After stuffing my face all weekend at my Aunt's house right outside of Palm Beach, my midsection is poking itself back into my thoughts.  When I first moved to Gainesville, not sure if it was the sadness, or the fact that I had know one to eat or drink with me, but I lost 5 pounds the first 2 weeks that I was here.  I was close to the weight that is listed on my drivers license so I was pretty proud of myself.  However, I have started drinking again, eating out with friends, and just not hitting the gym nor the yoga mat like I should be doing.  Plus, I get out of school early everyday which leaves an afternoon full of snacking.  However, I may have found a solution to keep me from snacking.  I was putting on my gym clothes just to take that first step that maybe i will cut on the p90x dvd.  My phone rang before I was able to put on a shirt so I just have on my shorts and sports bra.  I realized that if I just walk around the house in just my sports bra I am going to have the constant reminder that a) I need to be working out instead of watching tv and b) that after looking at my fat belly, I do not need to eat everything in my pantry.  Thank goodness I have blinds so no one else has to see me just in my sports bra.

I have a belly.  I always have.  A person in law school told me about the term skinny fat.  This is where you do indeed carry a lot of fat, but you have the ability to hide it and from far away or in certain outfits you look skinny.  That is me.  I have skinny arms and legs, but a big ole belly.  So when I am not wearing a bathing suit or something completely skin tight I look skinny.  Which is good, because I am very rarely in a bathing suit or something skin tight.  But unfortunately, I still have to look at my big ole belly everyday, so for now I will still be continuing my constant struggle with my arch enemy...my midsection.

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