Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Day of Boating

Who knew tax school would be so rough.  Yesterday morning during my one class of the day a friend asked me if I wanted to go on the boat with one of her friends from high school.  Since I have nothing else to do but watch movies and soapnet all afternoon, I decided to take her up on her offer.  So I went home and changed and after getting lunch we drove the 45 minutes to Lake Kingsley.  There, the two guys we met up with had the boat ready and a cooler full of beer packed.  So for the next 4-5 hours I spent my Wednesday afternoon relaxing on the boat, drinking beer and basking in the sun.  I need to figure out a way to do this and still get paid to be a tax lawyer. 

The boys we were with on the boat had a new ski toy.  It is called an air chair or sky ski (not sure what the appropriate term is).  Anyway, this was a very interesting contraption.  You sit on a stool attached to the board and then there is hydrorunner type thing on the bottom.  When it is pulled behind the boat it looks like you are flying in the air.  Apparently it is really hard to control and the guys were wearing helmets, so I figured it wouldn't be a good idea for me to try it since I can barely get up on two skis. 

We got home that evening and I was exhausted.  I turned on the movie Heathers and took a nap.  But of course I had an email that people were going to a bar last night so because of my FOMS (Fear of missing something) I of course went out to the bar and had a two double vodka waters while listening to music on a patio. 

The best part is I was able to do all of this stuff yesterday and still was able to be prepared, comprehend, and participate in class the next day.  I love a balanced schedule :)

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